
Hugh Hammond Bennett Award
The National Conservation Planning Partnership (NCPP) created the Hugh Hammond Bennett Award for Conservation Excellence in 2017 to honor the legacy of Hugh Hammond Bennett by recognizing producers and conservation planners from within the NCPP partnership who have exemplified outstanding service through development and implementation of sound conservation planning and other conservation techniques.
Partner Awards
National Association of Conservation Districts
Olin Sims Award
Presented by NRCS and NACD in memory of NACD President Olin Sims to an up-and-coming leader who demonstrates excellence in promoting and leading voluntary conservation on private lands.
NACD Friend of Conservation Award
Recognizes an individual, business, organization or agency outside NACD for outstanding contributions to the conservation of our nation’s natural resources.
NACD Distinguished Service Award
Recognizes an individual within NACD, a conservation district, or a state association of conservation districts that has made significant contributions to the conservation and proper management of our nation’s natural resources.
NACD President’s Award
Recognizes an individual or organization that has been especially dedicated to advancing conservation during the president’s term.
NACD and Pollinator Partnership’s Farmer-Rancher Pollinator Conservation Award
Recognizes the unique contributions that members of the agricultural community make to pollinators where they are needed most – supporting our food supply.
National Conservation District Employees Association Awards
Outstanding District Employee and Outstanding District Supervisor Awards
Recognizes professionalism and dedication in the people behind the nation's conservation district programs.
National Association of RC&D Councils
RC&D Council Member of the Year
Recognizes the RC&D Council member who most exemplifies the ideals of the RC&D Program by demonstrating effective leadership skills, fostering participation by partners, bringing local citizens (including underserved groups) and RC&D Councils together to implement projects.
Outstanding Completed RC&D Council Projects
Recognizes an outstanding project, completed within the past year, that exemplifies the RC&D concept and spirit of local leadership.
McCarty Award for Outstanding RC&D Council Employee
Recognizes an RC&D Council employee who effectively initiates and manages RC&D Council projects and empowers his/ her RC&D Council to utilize the resources available through the RC&D Program.
Other Awards
Outstanding Sponsoring Organization. Outstanding Youth, President's Award, and RC&D Hall of Fame.
National Association of State Conservation Agencies
Outstanding Conservationist of the Year Award
Recognizes an NRCS State Conservationist’s unparalleled service to the conservation partnership.
Natural Resources Conservation Service
Civil Rights and Outreach Awards
Recognizes employees, teams or groups that contribute to the agency’s goals in civil rights and diversity. Awards are solicited annually through a national bulletin.
- National NRCS Individual Civil Rights Award recognizes an individual who has made a significant contribution to the agency.
- National NRCS Team/Group Civil Rights Award recognizes a team or group who has made a significant contribution to the agency.
- Chief’s Workforce Diversity Award recognizes an individual who has made significant contributions towards achieving a diverse workforce.
Earth Team Awards
States compete for National Earth Team Volunteer Awards. Award nominations are solicited annually through NRCS state volunteer coordinators.
- Individual Volunteer Award. Recognizes one individual within each region.
- Group Volunteer Award. Recognizes one group within each region.
- Partnership Award - Recognizes one outstanding partner nationally for the most effective volunteer program that demonstrates shared leadership among the partnering organizations.
- Chief’s Field Award - Recognizes one office located at the field level in each region. One national winner selected.
- Employee Award - Recognizes one individual and one office within each region. One national winner selected.
- NACD/NRCS Award - Presented to the most effective Earth Team program in a conservation district that demonstrates shared leadership among district officials, NRCS employees and Earth Team volunteers.
- Chief’s Cup Award - Presented by the Chief to the state that most creatively uses volunteers to meet the mission of NRCS.
- Lifetime Achievement Award - Recognizes those who have achieved the required number of hours of service over a 12-month time period or cumulative hours over the course of a lifetime.
Pastureland Conservationist of the Year Award
Recognizes one NRCS employee for outstanding service to the agency, customers and science through development and implementation of sound technology transfer on grazing lands.. Nominations are solicited annually through national bulletin. Presented at American Forage and Grassland Council annual meeting.
Early Career Rangeland/Pastureland Conservationist Award
Recognizes one NRCS employee with less than 10 years for outstanding service to the agency and their customers through implementation of sound technology transfer on rangeland and pastureland resources. Nominations are solicited annually through a national bulletin. Presented at American Forage and Grassland Council annual meeting.
Rangeland Conservationist of the Year Award
Recognizes one NRCS employee for outstanding service to the agency, customers and science through development and implementation of sound technology transfer on grazing lands. Nominations are solicited through a national bulletin. Presented at the Society for Range Management annual meeting.